AVS-Monitor is a free Windows software that allows:

  • Detect and manage the settings of all AuviTran devices, as well as some other manufacturers.
  • Configuring Inter-Format Audio Gateways (Dante / AES-EBU / AES67 / Madi / Cobranet / EtherSound / ADAT / Analog)
  • AVBx7 & AVBx3M Internal Audio Routing Control (Matrix)
  • Remote monitoring of audio channels (up to 895) in mono, stereo and 5.1.
  • Equipment monitoring with alarm history.
  • Supervision and easy configuration of networks (AxC-SWD5G) with a page to configure your VLANs, redundancy etc...
  • Easy clock configurations on different networks with the possibility of several master clocks (AxC-DX4I / AxC-ADSP / AxC-DS32IO boards) on same networks.
  • Tunnel control MADI over DANTE.
  • Signal Processing, Trim / EQ / Comp / Delay. (AxC-ADSP & AVDT-BOB).
  • AxC-AX4M card configuration for remote control on RIO or AD8HR mode.
  • EtherSound Net-Patch integrated management.
  • Integrated firmware manager for AuviTran equipments.
  • Network QOS diagnosis.
  • Import / export of devices and network architecture.
  • Managed Automations functions on AVBx7 and AVBx3M .
    • Trigger
      • GPI rise/fall
      • GPO rise/fall
      • GPI Fader .
      • On audio errors / stream lost.
      • No audio errors / stream present.
      • Clock asynchronous .
      • Clock synchronous .
      • Card Alive .
      • Load Preset
      • Enable / disable Flow
      • Enable / disable Channel
      • Mute / unmute Channel
      • Pad / unpad Channel
      • Phantom on/off
      • Phase on/off
      • Channel Gain
      • Matrix Patch
      • Matrix Mute
      • GPO on/off
      • Change masterClock


Firmware AxC-Dante : Patch for Rio mode
Stable release: V6.84.42 (May 2024)
Offline stable release: V6.84.42 (May 2024)
AVS-Monitor for Windows XP


Stable version release note.
  • Evolution: Add AxC-AES67 card support.
  • Evolution: Add ALP-DANTE PCIe card support.
  • Evolution: Add ALP-AES67 PCIe card support.
  • Evolution: Add Fan alert.
  • Evolution: Add clock PPM.
  • Evolution: Add Presets save GPIO and Automation options.
  • Evolution: Add Lock channel on DT4O.
  • Fix : AxC-SWD5G GUI blink in the vlan configuration Windows ( Special thanks @Ben ;-) .
  • Fix : Name with Yamaha prefix (Yxxx) always authorized for the AxC-Dante devices.
  • Fix : AxC-ES100 MAC Corruption after firmware update.
  • Fix : IP address of AxC card in JS webview.
  • Fix : Save configuration on file for AV-WALL and AVDT-BOB devices.
  • Fix : AxC-DSP channel and device name in scenes / Mixer @96K / Save and backup .
  • Fix : Manual reboot request for PCIe cards .
  • Fix : Abusive installation of Microsoft WebView .
  • Fix : Installation without Dante Controller .
  • Fix : AxC-DSP Fader not release after double click ( Special thanks @Matthias ;-).

Ethersound driver and mandatory instructions for Windows 10/11 installation.

Warning: you must always check if you have an EtherSound already installed.

On Windows 10/11, never reinstall an EtherSound driver version on a previous one...

If you have a previous version and you really want to install it again:

  1. 1. Remove first the current Ethersound driver
  2. 2. Reboot your computer
  3. 3. Install the new driver version
  4. Download Ethersound Driver